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Wow...there are just to many memories to even start. Vicky was always on billy and I for EVERYTHING we did. We hated it. Now ive grown up I finaly know why. You loved me. I was like your extra son you were my second mom. I know you are watching me type this and watching everyone who loves you. I want you to know something Vickster I love you with all of my heart I always will whether your here or not I love you. You are always on my mind and the tears just come and come and come. I know you are well we all do. You happen to be in a much better place and as hard as it is to lose you i cannot be selfish. I hope you look down on me from time to time and keep me out of trouble im sure you will. Well I gotta run. I Love You Vicky ill be back soon to visit miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christmas with my girl ......

I can't even begin to try and explain or tell the story of the memories I had with my mother.  She was everything to me.  Any problem I had she was the first person I called no matter what the problem was.  She was always there for me.  If i needed anything she was there for me and now being without her, is like being empty inside.  I just got moved in to a new place with my girlfriend a week after she passed. and even then I got here and after a couple hours of moving things around. I looked at chelsea and was like oh shit I didn't call my mom yet, then I remembered that i couldn't call her.  I love you mom and miss you more than you could ever even imagine.  Every good memory I have in life includes you in some way.  You were my everything and you were always there to support me.  I wish you were still here now to be with me.  Theres a lot i've needed to talk to you about lately.  I miss you so much and just like Beck said its not getting easier its getting harder.  Tim came up and saw the new place and brought the kids.  We had a good time, it would have been better if you were here with him.  But we still had a good time.  We talked about you a lot, and how the reason we were all there together was because you made sure we were close as a family.  You held us all together and thats why we are sticking together now.  You were the most amazing mom, friend and person I've ever met in my life, I even told people that way before this tragedy fell upon us.  When God took you he took part of my soul, but he left my heart and that is where you sit now.  In my heart in my eyes and in my mind.  I miss you so much and I love you with every inch of me mom.

Even though I had not know Vicky for a long time, I felt I had.  She was such a caring and giving person.  The first time I met her she had cooked a steak dinner, we played cards laughed and talked.

From there she treated me as though I were family.  Her kindness glowed around her, she just beamed with warmth and generosity.

This past Christmas she cooked Mexican for Mike as she always did only this time she had us invite some of our friends.  I was speechless as each one of our guests arrived she cooked to order whatever it was they wanted.  She was the hostess with the mostess!  I wasn't allowed in my kitchen...she did it all!  The next day she had to be admitted into the hospital.  What a statement, she loved Michael so much she would do all this for him not feeling well.

Before that in October her, Tim, Noah and Taylor came down for the Pumpkin Show.  We had a great time and at midnight we are sitting in the back yard with a fire going and ribs on the grill.  Lots of memories.

Vicky will never be forgotten!

I have so many memories with my mom.  She was there when I had my son Jim and she was there through my labor with my daughter Lylah, but couldnt stay because she was so sick.  She stayed every night with me for a week waiting for me to go into labor.  As much pain as she was in she slept on the couch and even said it was comfortable.  She was there when I needed to talk, even if it was something so insignificant.  I miss those moments.  When we would talk endlessly about nothing.  And if she was here right now I would complain about how hot Georgia was and how much I missed her and Ohio (simply for the weather).  I just wish she was here still so much.  Each day is harder than the last without her.  She was my strength, my insight, my vision, my love, my best friend and my mom.  She will forever be missed.
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